
Gold Standard Slipped Disc Surgery


Spinal Injections


Lumbar Laminectomy

Spinal Fusion Surgery

Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Anterior Cervical Fusion Surgery

Posterior Cervical Spine Surgery

Disc Replacement Surgery

Kyphoplasty/ Vertebroplasty

Microdiscectomy is a minimally invasive spine surgery procedure. It is Gold Standard surgery for removal of lumbar disc herniation and is one of the most commonly done spine surgery. In this surgery, herniated part of the disc, which is compressing spinal cord, is removed with the help of microscope and special retractors (e.g. tubes). A very small hole is made on the skin. Microdiscectomy surgery is very safe with predictable results.

Microdiscectomy Indications:

Microdiscectomy surgery is required when MRI shows disc herniation in lumbar spine and patient has severe leg pain. We follow following principles to decide about the surgery:

There are situation when these steps are not followed and microdiscectomy is recommended right-away.

Advantages of Microdiscectomy:

Microdiscectomy offers all advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery:

Complications of Microdiscectomy:

Microdiscectomy has great safety profile with minimal risk of any complication. Even routine complications, e.g. pain and infection, are extremely rare. There is about 2% chances of recurrent disc herniation at the same operated level. Some patients can have dural tear (the thin layer covering spinal cord). This leads to CSF (Cerebro-Spinal Fluid) leak which requires special attention during recovery period. Also, as only the herniated part of the disc is removed, and rest of the degenerated disc is still lying in inter-vertebral space, it may degenerate further, especially with heavy activities and can cause disc degeneration (Lumbar Spondylosis) related symptoms, i.e. backpain, recurrent disc herniation, spinal stenosis.

Recovery after Microdiscectomy:

Patients can be mobilized within few hours after the surgery. They can be discharged from the hospital on the same day or next morning. Routinely, physiotherapy is not required after the surgery. However, patients who had leg muscle weakness before surgery, might require a short course of physiotherapy after the surgery. It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting, sitting on floor, sitting for long time, driving for long duration for 4-6 weeks to prevent recurrence of disc herniation.

An office going person can resume his duties within 2-3 days after the procedure. Patients who have heavy manual labour activities  requires 4-6 weeks break before joining work. Sports activities are usually allowed after 3-6 months.

Alternatives to Microdiscectomy:

Laminectomy (Lumbar decompression): A procedure involving slightly bigger skin incision and removal of more bone can be done. Many surgeons are more familiar with this traditional technique than microdiscectomy. Recovery is still fairly quick.

Endoscopic DiscectomyAn endoscope is inserted inside the target disc and herniated part of the disc is removed.  This procedure can be done under local anaesthesia also as day care procedure.

LASER Disc DecompressionA LASER probe is inserted in the herniated disc. Emitted LASER rays coagulate/ liquify nearby disc material. This leads to reduction of disc pressure on spinal nerves and neutralization of disc tissue which creates inflammation around the spinal nerves.

Microdiscectomy slip disc lumbar spine
Microdiscectomy using a tube

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