Computer Assisted Spine Surgery

Computer Navigation in Spine Surgery

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Endoscopic Spine Surgery

Computer Assisted Spine Surgery

Spine Neuromonitoring

LASER Spine Surgery

Computer assisted spine surgery involves use of computer navigation for spine instrumentation. Multiple x-ray/ CT images of patients spine are fed into the computer. These images are obtained either by a pre-operative CT scan or intra-operative O-arm/ C-arm based fluoroscopic images. Computer will analyse these images and will make a 3D image of spine. With the help of infra-red markers, computer will navigate implant insertion instruments in the correct direction as will be seen on computer screen.

A robotic spine surgery will have all these steps. In addition, a robotic arm will align itself in line with planned trajectory for screw insertion to remove any error caused by hand movements while inserting the screws.

Advantages of Computer Navigation Assisted/ Robotic Spine Surgery:

Disadvantages/ Limitation of Computer Assisted Spine Surgery:

It is important to understand that even though computer navigation provides better accuracy for spine instrumentation, it is not required for routine spine surgeries. Availability and increased cost are also important factors.

Computer assisted spine surgery
Spine Computer Navigation Machine
Computer Navigation Images

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